• Public Disks

  • Games

Public Disk: Ultima V - Disk 1.d64

"OSI             " AA 2A


0 "OSI             " AA 2A
1   "ULTIMA V        " PRG  812
5   "U5SIZ.O         " PRG  30464
5   "SUBS.128        " PRG  30464
1   "DCONFIG         " PRG  45056
17  "S0              " PRG  49152
12  "U5.PTHTBL       " PRG  16384
5   "ENTER.PLAY      " PRG  32768
33  "MAIN.SUBS       " PRG  19456
11  "INTRO.VIEW      " PRG  38144
4   "UPDATE.HIMEM    " PRG  7552
9   "COLORS          " PRG  45056
4   "QS              " PRG  32768
17  "S1              " PRG  49152
12  "TEMP.SUBS       " PRG  27648
20  "STARTUP         " PRG  32768
9   "HTXT            " PRG  5504
17  "S2              " PRG  49152
17  "S3              " PRG  49152
1   "M9              " PRG  2049
3   "LOGO.COLORS     " PRG  4096
29  "CREATE          " PRG  32768
4   "XYZZY           " PRG  8192
14  "TRANSFER        " PRG  32768
5   "BLANK.ROSTER    " PRG  4096
1   "BLANK.PRTY      " PRG  48128
47  "M               " PRG  29184
5   "FONT3.SHPTBL    " PRG  39936
16  "OSI.LOGOS       " PRG  49152
5   "U5.LOGO         " PRG  49152
7   "C3              " PRG  41216
8   "C1              " PRG  41216
21  "C2              " PRG  41216
22  "ABOUT           " PRG  43520
5   "SCRATCH         " PRG  8192
4   "FLIPPER         " PRG  4096
9   "PRINT           " PRG  49152
4   "CREATE1.TXT     " PRG  2816
36  "MUFF            " PRG  31904
20  "FLAMES          " PRG  16384
55  "ULTIMA V DOX    " PRG  2049
19  "ULTIMA 5 RUNES  " PRG  2049
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  
0   "                "*DEL  




Snapshots are created by the disk publisher. Each snapshot represents a disk image in time. Earlier snapshots of this disk will likely have older versions of a program or will not have all of the same files as on newer snapshots. It is possible for snapshots to be missing if the publisher removed them.